I'm a bridesmaid twice next year and I am now realising that no amount of hair growing pills or hair treatments is going to make my hair grow about 4 inches between now and March.
I decided I would try hair extensions...which to be fair with my length hair (about half way down my neck) doesn't look great - but what fun!
I got these ones from eBay as they were dirt cheap and I didn't want to splash out something that my doubt I'll end up never actually wearing out the house.
From the front it looks ridiculous as my roots are SO bad right now, but pinned back like this they actually look okay - even if they do feel like hessian!
I'm going to attempt to put them in again once I've had my hair coloured next week and see how they look then. I'm slightly worried they look a bit green and don't necessarily match my hair colour, but if nothing else they may come in handy if I ever decide to go to a fancy dress party as Pamela Anderson!